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Venture Building Accelerator
Module 0 - Start here - How to get the course materials
Getting Started: Accessing the Venture OS Course Prompts
Accessing the Venture Design Canvases (Figma)
Making it all work together!
Tool Overview (9:36)
Module 1 - The Venture Strategy Sprint
Lesson 1: Flipping the Script: Finding Killer Business Ideas
Lesson 2.1: Slicing and Dicing Your Market: Mastering the Art of Customer Segmentation
Lesson 2.2: The Insight Architect - Building a Deeper Customer Understanding
Lesson 2.3: Painting A Better Picture - The Empathy Advantage
Lesson 3.1: Business Arena Mapping - The Art of Opportunity Hunting
Exercise 3.2: Buyer Journey Experience - Blue Ocean Business Strategy
Exercise 3.3: Buyer Utility Map - Blue Ocean Strategy
Exercise 3.4: Three type of non-customers - Blue Ocean Strategy
Exercise 3.5: Looking beyond boundaries and learning from others - Six Paths Framework
Exercise 3.6: Reimagining Value - The Four Actions and New Value Curves
Exercise 3.7: Anticipating Change - STEEP
Module 2 - The Product and Offer Sprint
Lesson 5: Thinking Like A VC - Market Gaps
Lesson 5.2: Applying the VC Mindset - Crafting A Venture Portfolio
Lesson 6: From Strategy to Action: Setting Up for Success
Lesson 6.1: Crafting Compelling Value Propositions
Lesson 6.2: Turning Value into Action - The Irresistible Offer
Lesson 6.3: Scaling the Offer by using Value Ladders
Lesson 7: Cracking The Venture Viability Code - Unit Economics
Module 3 - The Get-To-Market Sprint
Magnetic Marketing - Attracting and Converting Dream Clients
Lesson 9: Designing Lead Magnets - Secret weapon Client Attraction
Exercise 9.1: Crafting Your Lead Magnet - From Blank Page to Masterpiece
Lesson 10: Mastering the Buyer's Journey: Mapping The Marketing Journey
Lesson 11 : The Welcome Mat Magic: Turning Subscribers into Superfans (and Customers!)
🎁 BONUS: Master Your Welcome Sequence (Free Template Inside!)
Bonus Chapter 1 - Mega Prompts
1. Segment Sculptor: Crafting Targeted Customer Profiles
2. The Insight Architect: Building a Deeper Understanding of Your Business Audience
3. The Blue Ocean Strategist - New Business Opportunity Scanner
4. The Future Trends Navigator: A STEEP Analysis Blueprint
5. New Market Role Scanner
6. Transformation Statement Generator
7. The Persuasive Rallying Cry Generator
8. Irresistible Offer Creator
9. Value Ladder Architect Mega Prompt
10a. The Lead Magnet Blueprint Creator - Part 1.0
10b. The Lead Magnet Blueprint Creator - Part 2
11. The Informed Buyer Blueprint
12. Lead Nurturing Welcome Email Sequence Blueprint - Structured Welcome Email Sequence Creator
13. "Comprehensive Industry Value Chain Analysis Blueprint"
14. Venture Viability Estimator
15. Unit Economics Calculator: Understand and Calculate Your Business Metrics
16. Revenue Stream Rainmaker: The Profit Multiplier Blueprint
17. The High-converting Landing page Copywriter
18. Business Idea Discovery Workshop: Unveiling Startup Ideas
19. Consumer Point Of view Storyteller
20. Consumer Experience Blueprint Architect
21. The Startup Name Generator
Bonus Chapter 2 - Canvases & Tools
1. Initial Idea
2. The Business Opportunity
3.1 Consumer Point Of View
3.2 Segment Sculptor
3.3 The Insight Architect - Build Deep Understanding
4.1 The Blue Ocean Strategist - Industry Overview
4.2 the Blue Ocean Strategist - Buyer Journey Experience
4.3 The Blue Ocean Strategist - Buyer Utility
4.4 The Blue Ocean Strategist - New Business Opportunity Scanner - Trend Analyser
4.5 The Blue Ocean Strategist - New Business Opportunity Scanner - Competitor Map
4.6 The Blue Ocean Strategist - New Business Opportunity Scanner - Value Chain Dynamics
4.7 The Blue Ocean Strategist - New Business Opportunity Scanner - Market Roles
5.1 The Blue Ocean Strategist - Market Gap Oportunity - Six Paths
5.2 Market Gap Opportunity - Competing Factors and Four Actions
5.3 Market Gap Opportunity - New Value Curve Designer
6.1 Value Proposition - Transformation
6.2 Value proposition - Benefit Highlighter And Statement Design
7.1 Irresistible Offer Designer
8.1 Value Ladder
9.1 Revenue Stream Rainmaker
10.1 Unit Economics
10.2 Metrics Overview
10.4 Unit Economics - Evaluations
10.3 Viability Calculations
10.5 Venture Viability - Costs
10.6 Venture Viability - Revenue Projections
10.7 Venture Viability - Operating Expenses
10.8 Venture Viability - Funding Needs
11.1 Lead Magnet - Part 1 - Topic Selection
11.2 Lead Magnet - Part 2 - Outline
12.1 Buyer Journey Content
13.1 Welcome Emails
17. The High-converting Landing page Copywriter
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